Friday, January 21, 2011

Professional Communication: Effective Communication


Why is effective communication important to me? It is because communication is part of my life! I am a person who enjoys sharing my thoughts and experiences with people and widening my social circle! In short, I am a friendly and talkative person. Hence, effective communication enables others to understand me without them misunderstanding me.

I find that it is important to let others understand well what I want to bring across to them. It may be an awkward scenario when others misinterpret my intentions. Not only that, miscommunication among people often brings about unpleasant feelings with each other and misunderstandings. Moreover, people are less willing to listen to what I want to say to them if I were to speak poorly.

For now, effective communication is important as I have to constantly work with people for projects and laboratory experiments. I need to convey my ideas and messages to my working partners so that we can work together effectively in getting our work done. Besides, effective communication is a powerful tool for me to convince people! Different people have different working styles and personalities. In the past, I have gained experiences from working with different people. I understand that effective communication is important in convincing others to work together and resolving their differences and conflicts.

Of course, I did encounter some experiences (pleasant and unpleasant ones) for poor communication. I shall relate a comical incident that happened due to miscommunication. It happened when I was in year 1 when I met a friend who asked me which elective modules I took. I replied to him that I took crime fiction and the first chapter studied was about Sherlock Holmes. My friend asked if Sherlock Holmes was 福尔摩斯 (chinese name for Sherlock Holmes). I kept insisting that Sherlock Holmes was not 福尔摩斯 because I found that the names sounded totally different. Instead I asked him who was 福尔摩斯? Is he a chinese crime detective? However, my other friend who had just come into the lecture threatre told me that both names were referring to the same character. ... Awkward, isn't it? Hence, I should have asked him to describe the characteristics of Sherlock Holmes before jumping into conclusions that the both of them were different characters.

In the future, effective communication will be as important to me as it is today! Though I may be afraid to speak to those whom I do not know well, I am still working hard to overcome this fear. I hope that with effective communication, I am able to interact well with others, whether it is for social or working purposes.